Company Logo TableX

How It Works


Your files are safely uploaded over an encrypted connection. Click 'Upload' to select PDF, image, presentations, and more from your computer. You can also drag and drop file onto the page.


Once processed, you'll you'll see the extracted data and review to make sure the data is correct!


You now can download the extracted data in Excel format. Once you finished, the input file will be permanently deleted from our server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our service utilizes advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to analyze images or PDFs, identifying table structures and extracting data accurately. The system converts visual content into machine-readable text, enabling the extraction of tabular information swiftly and precisely.
We support a wide range of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF. Our system is designed to handle various image types and PDF documents, ensuring compatibility and seamless extraction irrespective of the file format.
Our service is built on robust algorithms and machine learning models, resulting in highly accurate data extraction. While accuracy can vary based on factors such as image quality and table complexity, our system undergoes continuous refinement to ensure optimal extraction precision.
Absolutely! Our service provides a preview feature where users can review the extracted table data before finalizing the extraction. This allows users to verify and make any necessary adjustments, ensuring the accuracy of the extracted information.
We prioritize the privacy and security of your data. Our system processes your files solely for the purpose of table extraction, and we do not store or retain your data beyond the extraction process. Your uploaded files are processed securely, and once the extraction is complete, they are immediately deleted from our servers. Rest assured, your data remains confidential and is not stored or used for any other purposes.